He even references World Changing - If he often reads this blog, or the book, then he's got his head in the right place. Makes me wonder if any of the current Surrey city council members even know of World Changing.
His idea of creating an Interurban Rail system using a current freight rail is quite intriguing. This shall prompt me to research further.
Ever since the time when I used to drive across the Port Mann Bridge on a regular basis, and had to endure the ever constant insanely backed up traffic, I had made a simple observation. There are FIVE lanes on the bridge. TWO going west and THREE going east. Why don't we have a counter-flow lane instead in the middle lane? Similar to that of the Lions Gate Bridge or Massey Tunnel. Much faster and cheaper to implement than twinning the bridge - and would provide relief (an albeit smaller scale) to congestion in the meanwhile before this other new toll bridge is built. Simple idea right? Guess so - cuz Paul also thought of it too!
In terms of ideas for Surrey - I hope he considers "Transit-Hub-Centric Communities" and "Multiple Community Center Cities" as models for urban design in the city. Things I will blog at length on at a later time...
In conclusion - Paul seems promising as a Councilman, though I expect he lacks the committee experience - hopefully someone can help him with that. And also a promising future if he ever decides to become a Designer.
Hey Brian,
Thanks for the nice comments! Even though I didn't get elected, I'll keep on pushing forward with these ideas around vibrant, healthy, sustainable communities.
Oh, and I bet none of the councillors have even *heard* of WorldChanging :P