The Trick or Treat index... Index of neighborhoods that will provide the most candy, with the least walking, and are the safest.
Trick or Treat for a Community | All About Cities

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Time for new business models in the post-modern era.
The middle-man is failing because they have turned it into a war

The Disintermediation Era | HPC
Link: ... ation-era/
It must suck to be the middle-man today. Everywhere they turn, it's bad news. Democratization this. Circumventing that. There was a point not that long ago that the middle-man provided great value. The record companies brought music to the masses. ...

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Pretty sweet technology allowing 360 degree, navigable, video. Similar to Quicktime3D, but with video. I'm interested to see what the possibilities will be. Live 360 degree streaming web broadcasts? It would be like you were right there at the show~

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After seeing some examples of Augmented Reality Applications, most using the new iPhone 3GS, it has gotten me excited.
Here is an example of a shooter game and a real-world subway navigation system:

These are amazing! I would really love the chance for me to be able to create an Augmented Reality Project.

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HOME is an amazing film of our home, Earth, with absolutely beautiful panoramas and cinematography! ... its amazingly beautiful, and with a message too~
The full HD video is used to be availble on youtube, but not anymore. Please check out the trailer - in HD!

For more, check out:

UPDATE: The full 720p HD Home documentary is back up here

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The Node is a pretty cool power bar / power outlet design.
Node Power Outlet Makes Power Strips Almost Useless
Node—a power outlet that can accept several cables safely—may be the power outlet of tomorrow

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Heres a blog post all about dealing with feedback as designers. ... ty-killer/

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In New York, a former elevated railway gets turned into a park! : High Line Park!

An awesome example of urban re-purposing of derelict or unused space. Turning an overpass or existing structure into something new can be amazing feats of urban design.

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Cool Tools: Ikea Nail-Driving Utensil
A review of Ikea Nail-Driving Utensil (Brilliant free knickknack), a Cool Tool

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Harvesting the Wind
Three young French designers hatch an ingenious plan to use existing infrastructure to create clean energy

A great design concept of modifying existing towers that hold up high voltage power lines to make clean, sustainable, wind electricity!

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That says it all!

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Awesome info-model-motion-graphic explaining why the economy is so crappy and whose fault it is:

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I really like the idea of this project!
Interactive gaming with an Arduino ... ion3d.html

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