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Greasemonkey for Prism
For those of you unfamiliar with Prism, I will keep it short and let you read the rest on their website. Mozilla Prism is a piece of software (based off Firefox and which is also available as an Addon to Firefox) that allows you to create a desktop web-application of your favorite web service.
Bill Verplank's IxD
Bill Verplank's definition of Interaction Design
Augmented Reality Apps
After seeing some examples of Augmented Reality Applications, most using the new iPhone 3GS, it has gotten me excited.
Here is an example of a shooter game and a real-world subway navigation system:
These are amazing! I would really love the chance for me to be able to create a -
HOME is an amazing film of our home, Earth, with absolutely beautiful panoramas and cinematography! ... its amazingly beautiful, and with a message too~
The full HD video is used to be availble on youtube, but not anymore. Please check out the trailer - in HD!
For more, check o -
Node Powerbar Design
The Node is a pretty cool power bar / power outlet design.
Node Power Outlet Makes Power Strips Almost Useless
Node—a power outlet that can accept several cables safely—may be the power outlet of tomorrow -
Heres a blog post all about dealing with feedback as designers.
The NYC High Line Park
In New York, a former elevated railway gets turned into a park! : High Line Park!
An awesome example of urban re-purposing of derelict or unused space. Turning an overpass or existing structure into something new can be amazing feats of urban design.
Ikea Nail Holding Tool
Cool Tools: Ikea Nail-Driving Utensil
A review of Ikea Nail-Driving Utensil (Brilliant free knickknack), a Cool Tool -
Ingenious rethinking of existing structures
Harvesting the Wind
Three young French designers hatch an ingenious plan to use existing infrastructure to create clean energy
A great design concept of modifying existing towers that hold up high voltage power lines to make clean, sustainable, wind electricity! -
Prolong lithium-ion based batteries
This is for everyone who has a laptop.
If your not interested in details, scroll to the bottom for the simple guides for prolonging your battery.
I would kinda ignore the recalibrating one (esp with Asus). But I'd add this one: Don't discharge the battery past 30% (at most 20%).< -
Here are some answers - Some peeves that I must point out, things I must clarify to you, or answers to questions that are often discussed around me. I will periodically add and update to this list over time.
+ The word you should be using is Contemporary, not Modern. 'Modern' de
Greasemonkey for Prism
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